Bringing Yoga into Your Life

When many of us hear about yoga, we automatically think of postures like downward facing down and think that is all that yoga consists of…. physical postures or asanas. The practice of asanas only makes up one yoga system known as Hatha Yoga. When we explore the meaning of yoga we will discover it goes much deeper. The word yoga means union with the individual self and the Supreme Self. So one must wonder what this means and how to pursue this union.
In our modern society, many of us live chaotic lives moving from one scheduled event to another. Life is often filled with anxiety, fear, envy and even anger. We crave to find true peace and love in our lives but struggle to attain this. We come home from a difficult day at work and seek to find rest. We sit in front of the TV for hours on end and still find no rest. Our sleep is disturbed as our minds race from thought to thought. So the question remains, how do we deal with life’s challenges in a positive and meaningful way?
This is where we can turn to meditation, specifically mantra meditation, which is part of the yoga process. Mantras are spiritual sound vibrations that transcend material energy and can be easily integrated into our lives. When practicing this meditation, not only does it help reduce stress and anxiety in our lives, it also has a wonderful positive affect on the body and mind. But beyond this, meditation offers spiritual food for the soul. The loving relationship between the self and the Supreme Self is awakened and developed. Meditation is the method that provides true inner happiness and fulfillment. It leads to self-realization and true self-identity. In resting our minds with the chanting of the Vedic mantras, one develops a greater attraction for the mantras. So basically, the more you hear and repeat the mantras the sweeter they become, and the more you want to practice this meditation.
Embracing a yoga lifestyle truly fulfills all our needs and develops the happiness and peace we all want in our lives. Through yoga and its various systems, overall wellbeing can be attained – physical, mental and spiritual. Taking care of all these areas can have a profound way in how we live our lives. Challenges will continue to be around us, but how we deal with them will be different. Taking time each day to practice mantra meditation, you will notice a change in your life. The worries and stresses that often consumed your life, will not seem as challenging as they once were. Start your day with meditation. End your day with meditation. Bring yoga into your life.