Fall and Ayurveda

What the Weather Brings
Fall is a lovely time of year. In Ontario Mother Nature gives us a virtual patina of rich and bountiful colors – glorious golden yellows and radiant royal reds tinged with deep greens and browns.
In the ancient teachings of Ayurveda fall is a special time of year when the human form can use a bit of Mother Nature’s grounding earth energy. Just like the majestic tree whose roots dig deep into the earth.
Root vegetables abound and our intuition tells us that local and organic is what is our body needs at this time of year. Why get overseas and across the world when we have what we need in our own back yard? Sweet potatoes, squash, carrots and potatoes make a wonderfully tasty fall soup. Mashed potatoes, beside a protein dish like well cooked black beans that have bean soaked overnight, and a side dish of local steamed greens are amazing health and wellness enhancers. Once you get going there are numerous recipes that you can use to create variety and vitality.
One of my favorite fall recipes right now is Sweet Potato Biscuits. They are easy to make and a delight to enjoy. They go with just about anything and in them is healing and grounding energy for this windy and cold weather.
Sweet Potato Biscuits
1 cup cooked mashed sweet potato
1 cup spelt flour (can substitute regular wheat flour if you like)
¼ cup sunflower oil (can use oil of choice instead)
1 Tbsp. baking powder
½ tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. salt
Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
Mix potatoes with oil.
Mix dry ingredients together.
Mix wet with dry.
Separate into 6 or 7 pieces.
Roll each piece into a ball and place on baking sheet.
Bake for 15-20 minutes.
When they come out they will steam bake them selves in the center. Let them sit on the sheet for a few minutes. Enjoy!