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Video Lectures and Classes

How to Manage Stress

Did you know that stress is recognized as the #1 proxy killer disease today? The American Medical Association has noted that stress is the basic cause of more than 60% of all human illness and disease. Statistics are cruel: 77 percent of people experience stress that affects their physical health. 73 percent of people have…

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Beyond Karma

Why is it that bad things happen to seemingly good people? Can I change my destiny, or am I predestined to follow a certain path in life? What did Jesus mean when he said “As you sow, so shall you reap”? In today’s episode, we look closer at karma, destiny, and the role of our…

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The How and Why of Meditation

Maybe you are already interested in making a spiritual journey, or maybe you are feeling stressed and would just like to improve your physical and mental situation? In whichever case, meditation is the method by which we can approach a more harmonious life. Less worry, more happy. But there are also huge misunderstandings regarding meditation,…

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Life vs. Matter

Have you ever wondered what ‘life’ actually is? Still today, modern science has no clear idea of what ‘life’ means. Actually, life and matter are two completely different energies. Life is always alive, and matter is always dead. In today’s episode we look closer at the difference between matter and life, something that gives us…

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Addictions, Drugs and Spirituality?

In today’s world, so many things pass as ‘spiritual’. But what does real spirituality actually mean, and what is the result of engaging in psychedelics, kundalini yoga, or thinking ‘I am everything’? In today’s talk we start off by discussing something Balakhilya’s dad told him in regards to intoxication, namely ‘If you don’t start anything…

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Food, Lifestyle & Vitality

Health and vitality — who doesn’t want to have good health? We all do. So let’s talk about how to balance our bodies and minds simply through our food and lifestyle choices. It’s actually simple and easy to start a healthy lifestyle. The ancient Vedic wisdom gives us amazing insights into how the body actually…

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The Truth Behind Death

Death can be the most painful and scary experience we face in our life. It can be the death of family members, friends, lovers or even our pets. And it also brings with it a lot of fear, especially of our own death, which is always there lurking in the back of our minds. Still,…

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How to Master the Mind

We’ve probably all experienced how all sorts of unwanted things pop up in our heads. So many people today struggle on the mental level, in the form of depression, anxiety, and restlessness. It is said that the mind can either be our best friend, or our worst enemy. But how do we make this a…

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Can’t Get No Satisfaction

As The Rolling Stones sang; “I can’t get no satisfaction”. Is true satisfaction possible, or are we meant to just accept that we will never really get there? We also discuss: how we’re all sacrificing something for something else (and we’ve got to learn what’s really worth sacrificing for), the importance of staying true to…

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Jealousy and Thankfulness

root cause of jealousy and how meditation can help

Jealousy: “The thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, and concern over a relative lack of possessions or safety”. We’ve all experienced it. Studies show that even 2 month old babies experience it. But is it necessary? And is it natural? Today we discuss jealousy, why humility is essential to feel thankfulness, how to levitate (in…

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