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Too Much to Bear: Understanding Suicide

Deep inside we may be feeling lonely and empty. We’ve tried everything we could to be happy, and failed. On the outside, our life may look perfect – but on the inside we may feel as if nothing we do really touches the core of our heart. We may feel a profound sense of purposelessness in our life. We may have lost someone who was very dear to us. A grief beyond words; feeling separated from the rest of the world, misunderstood and without any hope, we may start to ask ourselves, “Why should I carry on? What more is there to live for?”. The burden becomes too much to bear.

Suicide is a problem on the rise. Every 4th second one person on this planet tries to end their life. Many of us have experienced directly how painful this reality is. There is nothing more devastating than feeling so overwhelmed that suicide seems to be the only option, and there is no pain like the pain of having a loved one leave us in this way.

As a society, we’ve yet to find a successful solution to this increasing problem. Is it possible that we’ve missed an essential part of where true happiness is to be found?

In this webinar, we will ask what it is, at the deepest level, that drives a person to the point of suicide, and we will explore what the real purpose of life actually is. Vedic scholar Balakhilya will share the perspective of the wisdom of yoga on the subject. This ancient science is more relevant than ever in today’s modern world of external and internal chaos and confusion.