What is Kirtan?
Kirtan is the yoga of the heart. It is the yoga of love. It is the call and response form of mantra chanting, which is expanding worldwide as westerners discover it’s uplifting, healing and joyous effects. It reconnects us with our true being and the Supreme Being. Participants in kirtan often experience a profound sense of unity and well-being, love for others, and a feeling of happiness.
Anyone can practice regardless of faith, race or age. It's a wonderful opportunity to come together and make new friends.
Let it Set You Free
Unplug from the material world with all of its stresses and anxieties. Experience freedom from concerns. Come to a place where you can see things more clearly and let your worries wash off you like water off a duck’s back.
To convey the wonderful feelings experienced during and after a kirtan is challenging. Come and see for yourself. Let the mantras transport you to a beautiful place free from anxiety, a place full of peace, joy, and love.
We humbly invite you to open your heart and experience an evening of Kirtan meditation. We practice Kirtan at most all of our classes, retreats and events. Visit one of our free meditation classes or enjoy an online meditation course to learn more.
Kirtan is the language of the spirit.
It opens the secret of life
bringing peace, abolishing strife.
The video below is a good example of a very enlivening kirtan. This is a more upbeat, energetic kirtan. As you will see these kirtans are a lot of fun. We also have mellow, relaxing kirtans, which are equally wonderful. Our downloadable meditation music is a nice example.
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